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The name Uni-versity is based on the Latin word "universitas" .

It's nice that the word - grammatically speaking - is feminine.

For me it means that we are both "unique" and "univers". That means as individuals also belonging to the wholeness.

This university is Versity discover a place where women their potential, learn new things and on a very personal, soulful and unique way.

I love the potential that female social entrepreneurship has. To make this bloom, to lead women into personal fulfillment and independence in order to

Solving social challenges in this way is my most important guideline.

I believe with all my heart in the potential of every single woman - regardless of their respective age - to change themselves and the world and that from the bottom of my soul.

That's what I'm committed to. The university supports you in taking the first step, whether online or on site, to pursue your dreams and to realize them down-to-earth - with really inspiring impulses, tools and ideas, coaching, advanced training and seminars.

Request your free information package!

Aktuelle Programme

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Onlinekurs: Grundlagen der Psychologischen Astrologie. Entspannt und im eigenen Tempo von Zuhause die Welt der Astrologie entdecken /

8 Module


Intensiv-Ausbildung Psychologische Astrologie

im Einzelsetting/Online für Frauen, die in Zukunft professionell astrologisch arbeiten möchten.

Dauer / 12 Monate, oder 24 Monate, gesamt 144 Std.

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UNI&VERSITY Soulbonding - Verbinde dich mit deiner Seele

intensives Coachingprogramm im Einzelsetting-Online-Format / Dauer 12 Monate / 6 Std. monatl.

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Individualpsychologie &

Spannungsfreie Gesprächsführung

intensive Fortbildung im Einzelsetting-Online-Format Dauer 12 Monate, oder 24 Monate, gesamt 144 Std.

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Imaginatives Maltest-Verfahren

intensive Fortbildung im Einzelsetting-Online-Format Dauer 6 Monate, gesamt 36 Std.

M ore and more women are on their way to find their vocation and to live it.

There are women who want to use the time when they still want to look after their children intensively, to continue their education within their given framework and to advance their personal development. Then there are women who have reached their second half of life, intensive childcare is no longer relevant, they cannot and do not want to go back to their old job and life challenges them to take new, more fulfilling paths that are not based on dependency.

The university program is right for you if you:

  • Want to find out what your personal, unique potential is

  • Want to clarify the topic of calling & fulfillment and which professional direction suits you

  • Take the next step in your career

  • Dissolve the inner knot and grow beyond yourself

  • Feeling stuck in your independence

  • Want to position yourself more clearly, realign yourself and develop a new vision

  • Want to start a new chapter in your life

  • As a woman you are stuck in a situation of change and want to realign yourself

  • Want more self-confidence in the representation, communication and presentation of your own person within your independence

  • Want to dissolve inner fears and resistances in order to come into your own strength

  • Want to feel alive after the kids leave the nest

  • Do not expect knowledge and training to work responsibly with people in the shortest possible time as intellectual fast food

Fantastic! You're welcome.
This is exactly where the Uni-versity help.

You will learn

  • Why the path to success leads through authenticity and self-awareness.

  • How you can achieve your professional goals with a tried and tested, down-to-earth program tailored to your needs

  • Why it is much more important who you are than what you do or have in order to find what you are looking for

  • Why you will encounter your darker sides on this journey and how you deal with it to let go of old beliefs

  • Why we often run away from exactly what we long for the most.

  • How to find the courage to follow your own deep longing in your soul.

The horizon is already there

You just don't see him yet.

It is enough to take the first step

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