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The self can only be nourished from the depths of one's own soul.

Lerne mich kurz kennenFelicitas Dej
00:00 / 01:08


Über mich & mein Leben

My business

is spirituality and psychology. I work as a soul entrepreneur, psychotherapist, coach, potential developer and mentor - with you, in your company and this online university.

Nothing is contradictory, aloof or unworldly. Rather, it is about offering my acquired specialist knowledge, my life experiences and a modern spirituality to women in order to be able to lead a fulfilled, happy life on this earth.

My vision

it is to support you in times of upheaval, reorientation and during crises with "necessary" strategies and effective know-how.

My task is to "strengthen" you, to start over, to develop your potential and to shape your life according to your ideas and wishes and to live it fulfilled. My vision is to help women regain our original feminine strength and develop a new consciousness, far from old patriarchal structures that are hostile to life.

My target group

My work, my offer, is dedicated to women who feel that a change is needed, or who are already in the midst of upheaval.

I would like to point out perspectives, say goodbye to trained beliefs, change perspectives, show the opportunities of times of upheaval and crises and go part of the way. Ultimately, I would like to inspire you to live a life full of soul, regardless of whether privately or professionally.


You can find my admissions and titles right afterwards.

They don't say anything about me in the end.

My life says something about me - just like yours. This is what counts in a coaching process and 1: 1 work; Trust and two people at eye level,

who meet and walk part of the way together.

Education and training

Individual psychology according to Alfred Adler

Katathymes picture life

Autogenic training

Painting test procedure in counseling for children and adults

Reincarnative therapy procedures


Family and system constellations

Communication, rhetoric and tension-free conversation

Psychological astrology / Hermann Meyer Munich

Training planetary, structural and family constellations / Ingrid Zinnel

Early psychomotor support in water for babies and toddlers

Diplomas & admissions

Naturopath with approval for the field of psychotherapy

Lecturer in advanced training in individual psychology for advisory professions

Autogenic trainer

Mental trainer

Speedo aqua fitness instructor

Graduate fashion designer

Member of the Association of Independent Psychotherapists,

Naturopath for psychotherapy

and psychological advisor ev.


Completely addicted to the love of water and the sea. I need creativity like breathing. It is the complement and the pole of relaxation to my work.

Painting & drawing, digital art, photography, layout design, babbling in English and creating podcasts.

What others say:

Felicitas is an experienced trainer, mentor, coach and psychotherapist, with down-to-earth specialist knowledge, combined with a modern spirituality. With her infectious enthusiasm, she accompanies women of all ages on their lives. Women who want to reposition themselves, who want to become self-employed, who are stuck in situations of upheaval and crisis.


From my time as a fashion designer with experience in public relations, positioning and then as an entrepreneur in the field of women's and family health, the desire and vision to accompany women arose deep within me. The decisive factor was the experience with my employees. It was exclusively women who were difficult to place on the current job market, who were single parents, too "old", or who were clearly disadvantaged by our conventional system with their desire for a career change.

Many individual pieces of the puzzle formed my vision based on my own life experiences:

From the deepest connection to my soul, I accompany women on their way to come to their own strengths, to find new direction and to bravely tread new paths, whether as entrepreneurs, or for other reasons, or because their soul calls.

Rise up & Let's move mountains

Kurz & bündig

Felicitas ist eine erfahrene Astrologin, Mentorin, Lehrerin, Podcasterin, Coach und Psychotherapeutin.           Sie begleitet Frauen in Coachings und intensiven Ausbildungen im Einzelsetting mit bodenständigem Fachwissen und spiritueller Tiefe, verbunden mit Begeisterungsfähigkeit auf ihren Wegen. Vor allem Frauen mit sozialem, beraterischen, therapeutischen Hintergrund, die sich neu positionieren, ihre Persönlichkeit weiter entwickeln oder selbständig machen möchten. Ebenso Frauen, die in Umbruch und Krisensituationen stecken und neue Wege beschreiten möchten.

Als Modedesignerin von ihrem Erstberuf, hat sie neben ihrer kreativen Tätigkeit, in effektiver Positionierung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und später, mit vielen Jahren als Unternehmerin, mit dem Schwerpunkt FrauSein, Familie und Gesundheit intensive Erfahrungen gesammelt.

Heute ist ihr zentrales Thema und Herzensangelegenheit Frauen auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten, in ihre eigene persönliche und spirituelle Stärke zu kommen, Abhängigkeiten zu verabschieden, neue Ausrichtung zu finden und mutig neue Wege zu beschreiten, eben ein seelengeleitetes Leben zu führen.

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