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When I was halfway through my life
I once found myself in the dark forest
because I was lost on the right path .....
How I got there I don't know what to say
I was so sleepy at the hour
when I deviated from the right path.
Based on
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
Bitte beachten: Momentan nehme ich keine Anfragen im Bereich der Psychotherapie an.
Tell your story. She is important:
it already contains the solution.
W hat do most people today, if they have a problem?
If we have a problem with our car, we go to the workshop.
If we argue with our neighbor, we may consult a lawyer.
We actively seek help, assistance and information. The problem represents a value for us and we would like to remedy the situation as soon as possible.
But what do we do when we have a mental problem?
Conditioned by upbringing and socially stereotyped thinking, we try more or less to cope with the problem on our own and often enough notice that this does not work.
Fear of losing face and not knowing how to help each other in such situations add to this and increase the pressure.
The fact is that our parents, nor our school days, have rarely shown us ways and means to deal with crises in life independently, nor to see the value of mental health as a priority for our own well-being.
I would like to sensitize people to perceive the pressure and inner unrest and to use them as a drive to start actively "caring for the soul".
It was precisely this unrest and the pressure that led us to say at some point;
I can not take it anymore,
I do not know how to continue,
i have to do something ...
This is the first and most important step out of the painful experience towards giving your own life a stable and new direction again. You can be grateful to your soul for this.
Thank yourself by setting out to find your soul path again and if you are
would like, part of the way with me first, in order to then go on bravely and hopefully on your own.
The basis of my work is individual psychology, systemic constellations in individual settings and my experience with my holistic, conversation and body-oriented therapy concept.
The foundation of my work is the appreciation for my clients when they take me into their personal world of thoughts and feelings; because to tread one's own soul path needs trust.
Which form of support you need can only be clarified in a personal preliminary talk.
Whether short-term therapy, coaching or psychotherapy is indicated depends on the problem, your concerns and your goals.